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Field Trip Forms

Field Trip Logo
Field trips in the Moraga School District are opportunities for students to engage in learning in alternative settings or in alternative ways through on-campus experiential learning.  We believe that field trips are important times for students to learn content standards and integrate into the world in new ways that support their social-emotional development and growth.
Partnerships between the school and families are critical to field trip planning and implementation.  Field trips are funded through parent contributions and parents play key roles in transportation and chaperoning of field trip events. We welcome these opportunities for parents to engage in learning with their children.
To drive on field trips, parents must:
  • Be fingerprinted through a live scan for the Moraga School District.  Please note that live scanning is organizationally specific; if you are already live scanned in another setting this must be repeated to be cleared in MSD.
  • Fill out the insurance verification information and submit this to the Main Office.  Insurance companies can add insurance for a singular day if your plan does not meet the threshold requirements.
Drivers of young children should expect to accommodate car seats and boosters during field trips.
If you have any questions about field trips this year, please contact your teacher.