Behavior Rules
Positive School Environment
Positive School Environment![]()
Positive School Environment
The school and its classrooms have in place a code of conduct that is conducive to learning and is consistent and mutually agreed upon by staff, students and their families. Adults at the school model appropriate behavior, which both demonstrates and creates and enjoyable, positive climate for learning. Discipline is reasonable and appropriate.
School rules and procedures are reviewed periodically through the year so that expectations are clear. Student and teachers are aware that an underlying attitude of "Respect" should inform all codes of conduct.
General School Rules
Unacceptable Behavior:
- Violation of playground rules
- Disruption to teaching or learning
- Fighting
- Discourtesy or defiance of school adults
- Abusive language towards others
- Abusive physical actions towards others
Possible Consequences
- Classroom consequence (according to individual classroom system)
- Blue Slip (office referral)
- Conference with principal
- Parent Contact
- Denial of privilege or individual assignment
- Behavior contract
- Suspension by Principal (in accordance with Ed Code 48900)
Classroom Rules:
The staff uses assertive discipline guidelines in order to maintain an appropriate classroom learning environments. Specific rules and expectations may vary according to the grade level behavioral expectations and will be explained to parents at Back to School Night.
Discipline & Reward System (Blue & Gold Slips):
In an effort to acknowledge and encourage positive behavior as well as to promote consistency in dealing with inappropriate behaviors, a school-wide "Blue Slip/Gold Slip" system is in place. Students who are "caught being good" by a school adult are given a Gold Slip. Gold Slips are collected in the classrooms until two are chosen at random during monthly Spirit Assemblies to win a prize. Conversely, students receive Blue Slips when a school rule is broken. Blue Slips are reviewed by the principal and dealt with according to the individual infraction and circumstance with parent cooperation and support.