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Parent Teacher Conference

A parent-teacher conference offers a special opportunity to share information about a student.  The best conferences end with both the parents and teacher felling they have learned something about the child and with a clear action plan of how to best support the child going forward.  Parent-teacher conferences can be scheduled anytime throughout the school year.  However, one week in the school calendar is set aside annually (usually, in mid-November) for all parents to meet with their child’s teacher.  Shortened minimum days are scheduled during this week to allow time for these important meetings. Visit the Conference Week Schedule Page.
It is our school’s practice to hold one parent conference per student during the November Parent Conference week.   We cannot schedule separate conferences to accommodate special circumstances such as work schedules, divorce, etc.  In addition to respecting the time and energy of our teachers, the most significant benefit of holding one conference is assuring that each parent gets the same information.   By keeping the focus on the student’s progress and growth, our teachers are able to manage the one conference practice well.  However, the one parent conference can be scheduled to include the principal, if either the teacher or the parents feel that would be helpful.