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Parking and Traffic Procedures

Bus Circle
The bus circle is reserved for buses only. Therefore, it is closed to cars for drop-off and pick-up at any time of day.  This closed area includes all red zones by both parking lots; the buses need this full area to maneuver.  Please do not drop off and/or pick up your children on any part of the red bus circle. Follow the proper drop-off and pick-up procedures described below.
Morning Drop-Off for all students
Parents are to drop off students in the yellow loading zone at the top of Laird Drive only. Please wait in line to drop off your child.   Do not pass other cars (even if there seems to be room ahead).  Once a series of cars has dropped off their charges and moved forward, another line of cars can come forward.  The extra few seconds it takes to follow this procedure could prevent a tragic accident.  After you drop off your child, you may proceed cautiously around the bus circle, following bus circle rules (see above). 
NOTE: You can greatly assist in an efficient drop-off procedure by making sure that your child is ready to exit the car with lunch, backpack, jackets etc. packed and ready!  If your child needs your assistance to exit, please find parking along Laird Drive; do not get out of the car in the drop off zone.
If you want to accompany your child onto campus in the morning, you must legally park on Laird, and then walk onto campus using the crosswalk.  Do not use the staff parking lot for drop-off!
Afternoon Pick-Up
Parents should arrange to pick-up children in the loading zone on Laird Drive.  This process works similarly to drop-off.  Once a group of cars picks up students and moves forward around the bus circle, another group of cars can move forward and do the same.  For safety reasons, children are not allowed to walk past the end of the benches to be loaded into cars unless a supervisor permits them to do so.  Do not pick-up your child "at the flagpole."  Again, the bus circle is reserved for buses and through traffic only.
If parents have arranged to meet their child at the playground benches after school, they must park on the street (not in the staff parking lot!) and then walk onto campus using the crosswalk.  Parents and students returning to their cars must also use the crosswalk. 
Sidewalks & Crosswalks
Parents and children are to stay on the sidewalks and within crosswalk lines when walking to and from the loading zones.  Do not walk through the parking lots or across the bus circle.
The parking lots are reserved for staff during school hours and/or volunteers/visitors who are on campus for an extended period of time.  Parking lots are not for drop-off or pick up of students. 
Rainy Days 
All procedures explained above remain in effect for rainy days.
Definite No No's
  • Do not make U-turns at the top of Laird Drive.  Cars must proceed around the bus circle in order to go back down.
  • Do not use the blue (disabled/accessible parking) if you do NOT have a placard visible. 
  • Do not use parking lots to drop off or pick up children.  Use Laird Drive loading zones.
  • Do not pass other cars in loading zones.  Wait for the traffic to move forward.
What's the Word?  RESPECT!
Teachers and staff serve as supervisors to ensure the safety of your children.  Please be respectful of their directions; they are here to help.  Thank you for your consideration of and attention to these policies and procedures.  Your support is appreciated!
Ascot Drive Parking and Traffic Alert!
Many Rheem students and parents use the Ascot Court “stairs” to enter or leave school.  Although this area is not school-district property and is not supervised by school personnel (the “official” school entrance and exit is Laird Drive), we understand that the Ascot Drive stairs are conveniently located for access to Roadrunner Club.
However, both the Rheem School Office and the Moraga Police Department have received many complaints from our neighbors on Ascot Drive regarding parking and traffic issues resulting from this access area.  Please be advised that police department will give citations for speeding and/or illegal parking (double-parking, parking in private driveways, etc.) on Ascot Drive.   
Please be aware that supervision is provided both before and after school at the loading zones at the top of Laird Drive.  Although parking is tight, it is more readily available along Laird Drive than on Ascot.  Further, systems are in place to bring students to the office if parents are running late at pick up time.  For everyone’s safety, families are encouraged to use the Laird Drive entrance and exit to school. 
Let’s all continue to be good neighbors who follow all safety and traffic guidelines.